Monday, December 27, 2004

Search Salvo - IBM

Search seems to be hottest word out there nowadays. IBM has fired its salvo by talking about using natural language processing and trying to build search software which understands the underlying meaning of the the text that is being searched.

This is quite interesting - talks abt the Search 1.0 being the not so cool - desktop based search, Search 2.0 - regarding google's web dominence - and (ahem ! - with no product yet - they are really stretching this one ) and search 3.0 will be dominated by the ability to understand the meaning of what is being searched.

Other interesting search engines were discussed in a previous post

Some new ones which I have been reading about include indeed - which is a Job search engine , Blingo - which is a site where you can search on certain key words and win prizes (ok - I got a message saying I am sorry - this current search doesn't qualify - but you COULD win .. blah blah)..

A real interesting one is an information aggregator called PubSub - lets you index on a certain topic and gives you RSS feeds of information on that topic . Quite similar to Google News - but not sure of that has an RSS feed ?
PubSub has a cool plugin into Firefox which I installed.

Then there is vivisimo - which uses some technology called cluster searching.

Also heard that Yahoo has bought out X1 to help in its quest for desktop search dominance.


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